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mężczyzna Zdzisław Beksiński PL celebryta ( ver: 51 / Zaakceptowany / Dodany przez: Levardos ) / Standardowy
Rozmiar OK: 100x120 Początek kariery - Koniec kariery 1964-01-01 (2005-02-21)
zdzislaw beksinski cel.jpg Talent 32 32
Popularność 58 58
Dramat 0 0
Humor 40 40
Główne   1  2  3  4   Sexappeal 60 60
Źródła: Akcja 30 30
 Kultowi bohaterowie Kultowi bohaterowie Dodany: 2018-09-03 14:29:02 / Aktualizacja: 2018-09-14 15:08:20 Default 1.0
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Opis / Filmografia
Polish painter, photographer and sculptor, specializing in the field of dystopian surrealism. Beksiński did his paintings and drawings in what he called either a 'Baroque' or a 'Gothic' manner. His creations were made mainly in two periods. The first period of work is generally considered to contain expressionistic color, with a strong style of "utopian realism" and surreal architecture, like a doomsday scenario. The second period contained more abstract style, with the main features of formalism.