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man Zlatan Ibrahimovic SE sports star ( ver: 51 / Accepted / Added by: Levardos ) / Standard
Size OK: 100x120 Career start - Career end 1999-01-01 (3000-01-01)
zlatan ibrahimovic spo.jpg Talent 40 40
Popularity 86 86
Drama 31 31
Humor 58 58
Main   1  2  3  4   Sexappeal 75 75
Sources: Action 65 65
 Cult Characters Cult Characters Added: 2018-09-03 20:08:35 / Updated: 2018-10-05 14:54:15 Default 1.0
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Description / Filmography
Swedish professional footballer. Primarily a striker, he is a prolific goalscorer, who is best known for his technique, creativity, strength, ability in the air, and his powerful and accurate striking ability. He is currently the third-most decorated active footballer in the world, having won 32 trophies in his career. He has scored over 500 senior career goals for club and country.