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man Akira Toriyama JP celebrity ( ver: 50 / Accepted / Added by: Levardos ) / Standard
Size OK: 100x120 Career start - Career end 1990-01-01 (3000-01-01)
akira toriyama cel.jpg Talent 14 14
Popularity 60 60
Drama 0 0
Humor 30 30
Main   1  2  3  4   Sexappeal 70 70
Sources: Action 35 35
 Cult Characters Cult Characters Added: 2018-06-07 21:03:56 / Updated: 2018-08-27 16:32:58 Default 1.0
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Description / Filmography
Akira Toriyama is a Japanese manga and game artist. He first achieved mainstream recognition for his highly successful manga Dr. Slump, before going on to create Dragon Ball—his best-known work—and acting as a character designer for several popular video games such as the Dragon Quest series, Blue Dragon and Chrono Trigger. Toriyama is regarded as one of the artists that changed the history of manga, as his works are highly influential and popular, particularly Dragon Ball, which many manga artists cite as a source of inspiration.