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man Freddy Rodríguez US actor ( ver: 51 / Accepted / Added by: andrew89 ) / Standard
Size OK: 100x120 Career start - Career end 1994-01-01 (3000-01-01)
freddy rodriguez act.jpg Talent 60 60
Popularity 50 50
Drama 61 61
Humor 50 50
Main   1  2  3  4   Sexappeal 75 75
Sources: Action 65 65
 Cult Characters Cult Characters Added: 2018-09-05 15:15:23 / Updated: 2018-09-27 10:23:08 Default 1.0
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Description / Filmography
Freddy Rodríguez
 2014 Fort Bliss
 2013 CBGB
 2012 Soldiers of Fortune
 2008 Nothing Like the Holidays
 2008 Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita)
 2008 Bottle Shock
 2007 Planet Terror
 2007 Grindhouse
 2006/I Bobby
 2006 Lady in the Water
 2006 Poseidon
 2005 Harsh Times
 2005 Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story
 2005 Havoc
 2003 Red Zone
 2003 Dallas 362
 2003 Chasing Papi
 2001 Beyond the City Limits
 2001 Good Advice
 1999/I Payback
 1998 Joseph's Gift
 1998 Shock Television
 1998 Can't Hardly Wait
 1997 My Brother Jack
 1997 The Pest
 1995 Dead Presidents
 1995 A Walk in the Clouds
 1994 The Fence